Sunday, October 18, 2009


Colleen has many people in her life who love her.  One remarkable woman is Ray's mom, who has embraced each of my children with love and delight.  We are fortunate she lives closeby and she genuinely "gets" each of my children.  James and Claire love talking with her and spending time with her.  Colleen gets so excited when she sees Mary Ellen.  Her smile simply radiates when Grandma walks into the house.  And, like most people who encounter Colleen, Mary Ellen is lifted by Colleen's vibrant personality. 

I can't say it was easy to tell those close to us that Colleen was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.  Ray and I decided to wait until it was confirmed, and to treat her as our baby first.  We knew about her heart defect before we knew for sure that she had DS, so when it was confirmed that she did in fact have an extra 21 chromosome we started to tell our family and close friends.  Shortly after Ray told his mom, she came over to our house to let us know that she was going to treat Colleen just like our other children and she would love her just as much.  I still remember that evening.  I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and a mix of emotions, and Mary Ellen declaring her love and support for this little girl was just what I needed.

There was a period of time when Colleen went through separation anxiety.  I think she was around 12-15 months old.  It went on for along time, like many of her stages, and the only people she would not cry for were me and Mary Ellen.  I have to say she is still Mommy attached, like all of my kids, but like all children she has outgrown it.  At least during that time I could have Mary Ellen watch her for the times I needed to leave her.  In a way it was reassuring because showing separation anxiety is a good cognitive milestone, showing good cognition on her part.  So I just kept telling myself that it was a good thing, and it too shall pass.

Thank goodness for Mary Ellen.  She is such a gift to my family.  And she is always greeted with the smile that lights up the room. 

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